Blogs and print have been the most talked about subject in terms of ways information is given out to its audience. The difference in technology has questioned the reliability of the information given to the reader and if there is a clear advantage to one over the other.
The clear difference between blog and print is the capability to reply back which can increase reliablilty. Print, being a word-to-many medium resorts in a flow of news to travel from one voice to a mass audience, problems with this may be that the news given may be incorrect and there would be no way of correcting it after papers have gone on sale. Blogging on the other hand allows readers to comment back on a blog posted and by having this information given back and forth may be more reliable than the blog that was first posted. Another advantage that blog has over print is the ability to edited blogs once they have been posted, as this is done in minutes and maybe seconds it reduces the risk of faulty information given to the public, the blogger is also able to go back and change what he/she had done if they have a changed point of view.
One difference that may put blogging in front of print is that blogging is instant which makes the news/information talked about more valuable and relivant in the time it was given. Newspapers may not be able to give out facts or information till the next day, from this its values is lost slightly.
This difference between the two may not be the technology but the format in which they are written in. Blogs tend to be written in first person which is far more likely to connect with a reader on a more personal level than print which is far more formal and written to share information with a broader audience and therefore stay slightly detatched. Bloggers may also write about their own experience related to the topic that is being discussed, by doing so viewers or other bloggers may feel more confortable to view their point in a more unformal manner.
Print and blogging may not be better than the other but with what you are technically able to do is what makes blogging more favourable to the audience in my opinion.
What is blogging?
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