
Has the public sphere changed through technology?

Habermas described the public sphere as "a realm in which individuals gather to participate in open discussion". Would this mean that blogging is a type of public sphere? Blogging offers individuals from different locations to openly dicuss topics that are posted by a blogger. This would show that what Habermas discribes as a public sphere is another word for what we may call a blog.

It can be argued that the public sphere has changed through technology as the way we participate in open discussion has changed. By discussing through the internet we slowly change how we commincate with each other from face-to-face to over the net. From this Rettberg's arguement on how "we have moved from a cultural dominated by the mass media, using one-to-many communication, to one where participatory media, using many-to-many communication, is becoming the norm".It could also be said that the public sphere hasn't changed through technology as the same basic principles still apply, the only evident change that has occured through the development of technology is the manner in  open discussions are held such as computers and smart phones.

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